two of Udayan’s photographs selected as the Honourable Mention in the “Enchanting Long Exposures” & “Urban Pattern” contest organised by Better Photography magazine & published in the Nov 2020 issue.
Better Photography
Udayan’s photo selected as the Honourable Mention in the “Cellphone Photography-Creative Silhouettes” contest organised by Better Photography magazine & published in the September 2020 issue.
Better Photography
Udayan’s photo selected as the Honourable Mention in the “Creative Long Exposures” contest organised by Better Photography magazine & published in the March 2020 issue.
Better Photography
Udayan’s iPhone photo selected as the Winner in the “Cellphone Photos-Through the Window” contest organised by Better Photography magazine & published in December 2019 issue.
Better Photography
Udayan’s photo selected as the Honourable Mention in the “Freezing Motion” contest organised by Better Photography magazine & published in the June 2019 issue.
Better Photography
Udayan’s instagram photo selected as the Winner in the “Cellphone Photos-This is home” contest organised by Better Photography magazine & published in October 2018 issue.
Better Photography
Udayan’s instagram photo selected as the Honourable Mention in the “Cellphone Photos-Finding Beauty” contest organised by Better Photography magazine & published in the February 2018 issue.
Better Photography
Udayan’s instagram photo selected as the winner in the “Cellphone Photos-Urban Architecture” contest organized by Better Photography magazine & published in the February 2017 issue.
June 2007
Every issue used to publish a glimpses of the discussions that happened in the last month on their online forum. This issue published a discussion where Udayan actively participated & his comments also featured in this issue.
March 2007
Every issue used to publish a glimpses of the discussions that happened in the last month on their online forum. This issue published a discussion where Udayan actively participated & his comments also featured in this issue.
September 2006
A news article about an archive on images of Kolkata that Udayan contributed published in September 2006.
February 2007
Every issue used to publish a glimpses of the discussions that happened in the last month on their online forum. This issue published a discussion where Udayan actively participated & his comments also featured in this issue.
April 2007
Every issue used to publish a glimpses of the discussions that happened in the last month on their online forum. This issue published a discussion where Udayan actively participated & his comments also featured in this issue..
August 2006
A news article on Largest Photograph that Udayan contributed published in August 2006 issue.
Better Photography
Udayan’s image was editorially used & published in Better Photography Magazine-March2013 issue. Editorial comment is “While a colourful bokeh looks good, make sure it does not draw attention away from the main subject.
Better Photography
Udayan’s image was editorially used & published in Better Photography Magazine-May 2013 issue of Hindi Version. It was also used in content index page.
December 2014
A SignedPRINTS contest poster where Udayan’s image was featured published in December 2014 issue of Better Photography Magazine.
Better Photography
Published in Better Photography Magazine - Dec 2015 issue. It got “Honourable Mention” in their Winter CellPhone Contest.