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Have you seen that child who stands 1st in line to collect freebies & then tries to hide in the crowd? That’s the character of a naughty kid!
During my school days, I used to see that there were some special aids provided by the Government for students of backward communities. These were not meant for all the students. This selective distribution was hard to understand for those students who did not receive these free gifts. Why would only some students get these aids? They also wanted these freebies. I know the word “freebies” is perhaps an incorrect way of calling these aids as they were an important support for students from backward communities. However, to those students who were not eligible to get them, it felt like these aids were “freebies”. Hence, I am using this word from the child’s perspective.
During the distribution of these aids, some naughty students who were not eligible for them used to become super active & stand in the 1st row to collect one. When the teacher or the other students found out, they used to question this student asking them why they collected an aid that was not meant for them as their family was in a position of privilege in society.
That’s when this naughty kid would not stand in the 1st row anymore. He would try to hide in the midst of other students so he does not get caught! Kids will always be kids!
However, if an adult breaches his privilege and later tries to hide in the crowd, shy away from the 1st row in a list to hide somewhere near the last, it probably is because of the realization of his guilt.
He was 1st to collect a freebie when he did not deserve it & later tried to hide in the crowd. So, he is not caught shamefaced for breaching the privilege he has! Would you consider it a serious breach or think it’s a naughty kid that awoke in an adult’s mind now?
We photographers love all kind of freebies. Specially if it is a free Honorary Distinction even if it is a really cheap one!
Do you know of any honorary distinction that was being given away for free in Indian Photography recently and where a naughty undeserving kid stole it first and is now trying to hide away at the back?
Again, I hope your answer is no!
By the way, this is a photograph of the naughtiest little boy I ever met in Chennai. His photograph received 14 awards from 8 countries till date from various International Salons of photography.
FB Link: bit.ly/3l8XNA8
Date: 5Oct2020
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Never Give Up, Instead Raise Your Voice
“Hal chhero na bandhu, barang kantho chharo jore…” ~Kabir Suman
This is one of my favorite songs. It means “NEVER GIVE UP, INSTEAD RAISE YOUR VOICE”.
For me, raising my voice means asking questions. I believe we shouldn’t stop asking questions ever. Raising questions is the best way to highlight issues, drive change and progress, strive for excellence and prosper in life.
Keep asking the right questions, even if they are not liked by wrong-doers!
A sign of the wrong-doer losing the battle against truth is when they start giving excuses. A wrong decision can’t be justified as a collective decision. Taking a decision collectively doesn’t absolve the decision of its error nor does it establish the righteousness of the wrong-doer! It clearly means the leader is now passing the buck on to others instead of owning it. A definitive sign of a coward’s character!
Today is 2nd October. We celebrate Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings worldwide. It will be a true homage to him if we start raising our voice against any wrong doing.
Raise your voice… even it sounds hoarse… even if you have to stand high on a mountain or a rooftop… even if wrong-doers label you as mad…
Remember he didn’t give up when he was thrown out of the train in South Africa but he raised his voice higher and we know the rest of the story…
I had asked few questions to myself in September 2020 and later shared them here on my FB page about our world of Photography in India. On Gandhi Jayanthi today, I commit to asking more direct & serious questions soon related to Indian Photography. Let me know if you are aware of the answers so I can learn.
To listen to the song, I mentioned in the beginning of this post, click this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGlTk0LXFug
I am sure you will love it even if you do not understand Bengali because of its powerful melody.
FB Link: bit.ly/33kk3RD
Date: 2Oct2020
Post Reached: 3050 People
Boosted for 496/-
*Photograph Credit: iStock [387/-incl GST] |